The IFI is a unique organisation – the home of film in Ireland.
We will be regularly adding more great newsreels, travelogues, animations, feature films and more from the IFI Irish Film Archive onto the IFI Archive Player. This virtual viewing room is a document of Ireland’s heritage and we want to find out more about the stories behind the films that we preserve in our vaults.
Spot yourself or someone you know in one of the films on the IFI Archive Player? Let us know and tell us your story. Curious to learn more about a certain film? Ask us. Please feel free to get in touch with us and let us know what you think of the IFI Archive Player.
If you would like to get in contact with us or sign up to our newsletter please email ifiarchiveplayer@irishfilm.ie
For information on accessing or licensing material from the IFI Irish Film Archive please contact access@irishfilm.ie
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