
Marion agus an Banphrionsa

Short Film, Drama, F-Rated, Children on Film
Directed by:
Melanie Clark Pullen
Produced by:
Simon Maxwell, Abri Productions


9 mins
Irish with English subtitles

A heart-warming tale of a young girl’s encounter with Princess Grace of Monaco on her visit to Ireland in 1961. Marion agus an Banphrionsa shows that for a lucky few, dreams can come true.

Courageous Marion steps in front of Princess Grace’s car as it drives through her village. She presents her with a bunch of roses, and the Princess embraces her in her arms. In adulthood, Marion realises a lifelong dream and travels to the Principality of Monaco to experience the magical meeting again.

This tale reveals how a seemingly small childhood encounter can have a lifelong impact just as a visit to the country of her forebears made a lasting impression on Princess Grace. The film interweaves archival footage from the 1961 royal visit with dramatised sequences of Marion’s story and footage of modern-day Monaco.

This film is part of F-Rated: Short Films by Irish Women. To view more from the collection click here. This film is also part of Children on Film. To see more from that collection, click here.

IFI recommendation: 8+
