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The Loopline Collection Volume 2

Peter Wintonick – Documentary Where Art Thou?

IFI Archive Player Admin
This outtake excerpt from the Documentary Where Art Thou? project features a loose-form interview with prolific, award-winning Canadian director Peter Wintonick about the difference between fiction and factual filmmaking, myth and reality. Documentary Where Art Thou? is an unfinished project featuring a series of interviews with prominent Irish and international documentary filmmakers and examining the […]

Jon Bang Carlsen – Documentary Where Art Thou?

IFI Archive Player Admin
This outtake excerpt from the Documentary Where Art Thou? project features a short interview with innovative Danish director Jon Bang Carlsen who discusses his belief that fact and fiction both exist in documentary. Documentary Where Art Thou? is an unfinished project featuring a series of interviews with prominent Irish and international documentary filmmakers and examining […]

Peter Lydon – Documentary Where Art Thou?

IFI Archive Player Admin
This outtake excerpt from the Documentary Where Art Thou? project features a short interview with British director Peter Lydon who explores the difference between directing for TV and documentary. Documentary Where Art Thou? is an unfinished project featuring a series of interviews with prominent Irish and international documentary filmmakers and examining the subject of documentary […]

Cot, Coracle and Currach – Hidden Treasures

IFI Archive Player Admin
Hidden Treasures is a four-part documentary series examining the history of Irish folklife. The series combines restored 16mm field recordings (produced by the National Museum of Ireland from the 1950s to the 1970s) with contemporary recordings of traditional rural crafts and rituals. These images emphasise the self-sufficiency of rural householders and craft specialists, as they […]

Kim Longinotto – Documentary Where Art Thou?

IFI Archive Player Admin
This outtake excerpt from the  Documentary Where Art Thou? project features a short interview with prolific British director Kim Longinotto who explores her practice in which she uses feature-length documentaries to depict the lives of women, and the role of the documentary in the 21st century. Documentary Where Art Thou? is an unfinished project featuring […]

Les Blank – Documentary Where Art Thou?

IFI Archive Player Admin
This outtake excerpt from the Documentary Where Art Thou? project features a short interview with US documentary director Les  Blank and delves into the making of his film Burden of Dreams which chronicles the production of Werner Herzog’s infamous Fitzcarraldo. Documentary Where Art Thou? is an unfinished project featuring a series of interviews with prominent […]

D.A. Pennebaker – Documentary Where Art Thou?

IFI Archive Player Admin
This outtake excerpt from the Documentary Where Art Thou? project features a short conversation with renowned Northern Irish director John T. Davis and pioneering US documentarians  D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus. Pennebaker examines the development of storytelling in documentary and the drive and determination needed for this style of filmmaking. Documentary Where Art Thou? is […]

Living in the Landscape – Hidden Treasures

IFI Archive Player Admin
Hidden Treasures is a highly acclaimed four-part documentary series examining the history of Irish folklife. The series combines restored 16mm field recordings (produced by the National Museum of Ireland from the 1950s to the 1970s) with contemporary recordings of traditional rural crafts and rituals. These images emphasise the self-sufficiency of rural householders and craft specialists, […]

Victor Kossakovsky – Documentary Where Art Thou?

IFI Archive Player Admin
This outtake excerpt from the Documentary Where Art Thou? project features a short interview with renowned Russian documentary director Victor Kossakovsky where he discusses the skill required to be a documentary filmmaker. Documentary Where Art Thou? is an unfinished project featuring a series of interviews with prominent Irish and international documentary filmmakers and examining the […]

Molly Dineen – Documentary Where Art Thou?

IFI Archive Player Admin
This outtake excerpt from the Documentary Where Art Thou? project features a short interview with Canadian Molly Dineen, TV documentary director, cinematographer  and producer,  where she discusses her start in filmmaking and the art, craft and importance of ‘pure’ documentary. Documentary Where Art Thou? is an unfinished project featuring a series of interviews with prominent […]

Gathering In – Hidden Treasures

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Hidden Treasures is a highly acclaimed four-part documentary series examining the history of Irish folklife. The series combines restored 16mm field recordings (produced by the National Museum of Ireland from the 1950s to the 1970s) with contemporary recordings of traditional rural crafts and rituals. These images emphasise the self-sufficiency of rural householders and craft specialists, […]

Rod, Rhyme and Spinning Wheel – Hidden Treasures

IFI Archive Player Admin
Hidden Treasures is a highly acclaimed four-part documentary series examining the history of Irish folklife. The series combines restored 16mm field recordings (produced by the National Museum of Ireland from the 1950s to the 1970s) with contemporary recordings of traditional rural crafts and rituals. These images emphasise the self-sufficiency of rural householders and craft specialists, […]