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Manners in Church – Radharc

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This quietly humorous instructional film from the Radharc series shows church-goers how to behave courteously and correctly in church. It cautions against: unpunctuality; noisy entrances; inappropriate attire; loud whispering of prayer; skulking at the back of the church; smoking outside. The film is testament to the capacity of the Radharc team (comprised at that time […]

Blessing the Aer Lingus Fleet – Radharc

IFI Archive Player Admin
Originally broadcast in 1962, this story from the Radharc series explains how Aer Lingus planes are named after Irish missionaries. It also shows the mechanics of the aircraft and marvels at how they transports passengers to their destination. The blessing of the planes, a tradition since 1947, is also featured here. Radharc was an independent […]

Penal Crosses – Radharc

IFI Archive Player Admin
This short film examines the history, design and function of Penal Crosses in Ireland. The crosses date from the time of the Penal Laws in Ireland when Roman Catholics were forbidden to practise their religion, own property or gain positions of power. Penal Crosses were a portable, easily concealed, relic of worship for Catholics whose […]

Glenties Tidy Towns – Radharc

IFI Archive Player Admin
The Tidy Towns competition established in Ireland in 1958 has proven to be a great initiative, bringing communities together and encouraging residents to look after their town and keep their locality tidy. Glenties in County Donegal is no stranger to the competition and has taken the crown for tidiest town in Ireland for three years […]

Irish College Ranafast

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Father Joe Dunn introduces Ranafast, the Gaeltacht area in the Rosses region of Donegal, telling us: “We hear a lot about the vanishing Irish, the flight from the land, and the depopulation of the Gaeltacht. But the little village has not suffered any depopulation, particularly during the summer months when the famous Irish college is […]

The New Ritual – Radharc

IFI Archive Player Admin
In this Radharc documentary, Father Joe Dunn looks at the changes being made to the sacramental rituals of the Roman Catholic Church in 1962. In the 1960s far-reaching alterations in liturgy, theology and ecumenism were promoted by the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the laity was given a more central role in church governance. One […]

Men’s Sodality – Radharc

IFI Archive Player Admin
In this documentary from 1962, Father Peter Lemass takes to the streets of Dublin to interview ordinary people about life in a large inner-city parish. Fr Lemass discovered that, when membership of the local Men’s Sodality religious group declined, a group of seven men took to the streets to re-engage lapsed members and enlist new […]