

Take Me Swimming

IFI Archive Player Admin
‘The day I don’t know who you are, promise to take me swimming’ – a melancholic promise between a husband and wife as her Alzheimer’s disease progresses.  When Thady (Barry Ward) returns to his parents’ home for a neighbour’s wake, he is shocked by his mother’s decline (Olwen Fouéré, also seen in The Wake). Gone […]

The Case of Majella McGinty

IFI Archive Player Admin
A children’s game of ‘Charlie’s Angels’ transforms into a reality through the vivid imagination of little Majella McGinty. Life becomes too stressful for 8-year-old Majella and taking refuge she hides in a suitcase in her parents’ bedroom. She overhears their conversation, and her TV-addled imagination runs away with her when she believes her father has been murdered […]


IFI Archive Player Admin
‘Who needs a pregnant waitress?’ is just one of the questions that fills Ellie Connolly’s mind when she discovers she is pregnant in 1980s Ireland. Statistic was made by film student Alison Kelly in 1983, the year which saw the passing of the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution Act (which effectively criminalised abortion in  most circumstances).  Ellie (Edel McCrann) is pregnant […]

The End of the Counter

IFI Archive Player Admin
A humorous investigation into the supermarket revolution of the 1960s that saw counter service replaced by self-service market chains in Ireland.   Supermarkets are a topic close to director Laura McGann’s heart – her grandfather, Mattie Melia, introduced and established one of the first supermarkets in rural Ireland. When franchises began to swallow up small corner shops in England, Irish shopkeepers saw that they […]

The Polish Language

IFI Archive Player Admin
The Polish Language is a film-poem which brings an original poem by Alice Lyons to life through the medium of film. The imagery in this poem is activated in imaginative ways through various styles of animation, employing hand-drawn, stop-motion, and time lapse techniques. The typography – the style, arrangement and appearance of the letters and […]

The Wake

IFI Archive Player Admin
A woman’s reflection on her life is expressed through poetic voiceover and dance. In a light-filled period mansion, a woman (Olwen Fouéré) reflects on her life, her sexuality and moments of great joy and sadness – her memories are articulated by a troupe of women of various ages through the eloquent language of dance. When […]

The White Dress

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An enigmatic tale of a young girl determined to participate in the ritual of First Holy Communion, even if she has to go it alone. A young girl wakes up in a grim flat, washes herself and dons a white dress, shoes and handbag.  She completes her outfit with white ribbons stolen from a shop as she makes […]

Two Little Pigeons

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Paying homage to her experimental contemporary Jack Smith, Vivienne Dick juxtaposes two quite different London landscapes.   The film’s opening sequence is documentary in style, capturing people basking in the sunshine of a London Park to the sound of Lol Coxhill singing Two Little Pigeons. Men are sunbathing, women are dancing, and older couples are feeding the ducks. The second half of the film introduces two eccentric characters pottering […]


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Empty houses are explored by a roving camera, the stories of their current and former inhabitants are told in intimate voiceover. Aoife Kelleher’s poetic short documentary explores how lives are shaped by the homes in which we lived. Early living spaces can define how we are perceived by others and how we feel about ourselves. A […]


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Women of all ages are celebrated in this masterfully–aligned gallery of portraits. Opening with a quotation from feminist intellectual Simone de Beauvoir: ‘one is not born a woman, one becomes one’, this arresting compendium of portraits presents a boldly female gaze – in both the gaze of director Emer Reynolds and in the frank to-camera gaze of […]

The Door

IFI Archive Player Admin
Shortly after the nuclear Chernobyl disaster in 1986, a father risks his life and returns to his deserted apartment to retrieve his front door. A family’s world is thrown into turmoil when they are suddenly forced to vacate their apartment block close to the site of the nuclear power plant explosion. They escape the exclusion […]

The Visit

IFI Archive Player Admin
While on her way to confess a secret to her husband in prison, a woman reflects on the recent years in her life. Set in Belfast during the Troubles, newlywed Sheila Molloy is awoken suddenly one morning when her husband is arrested and sent to prison for 20 years. From then on, her life is […]